Olesya (@ovbondarenko): ElasticSearch & ALBERT-based DL transformers for QA (winner of Duchess’s Joan of Arc award May 2020)
Kendra: semantic search of article titles
Mohammed: web application
Maria: product development
Aliya (@beetpoet) working on a new mystery feature
Travis (@travis-harper): markhov chain reply selection and other data science enhancements
Nima (@hulkgeek): question answering bot based on his state of the art question classifier
Xavier (@spirovanni): employment counselor for and the city of San Diego
Hobson (@hobs): infrastructure (CI, webapp) and framework features (nltk->spacy, USE vectors)
Alex (@alxrsngrtn): will submit a CL from time to time (winner of Duchess’s Jester award May 2020)
Jose (@jorobins): Yes/No bot
You: What big chatbot idea would you like to make a reality?